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From Raw Cheese to Bone Broth: 2014’s Top Paleo Blogs

Posted by Christina Boyes on

You are what you eat, and the Paleo diet is one of the best ways to make sure that your body – machine that it is – keeps working the way nature intended. If you’re just getting started, you need to know where to turn for information. The blogosphere is a great place for Paleo dieters, from food anthropologists to psychologist and nutritionists, the following list of Paleo bloggers represents the best of the web. Without further ado, and in no particular order, we’re proud to present the top 20 Paleo bloggers of 2014 here, along with a few reasons as to why we love each one.

Cave Girl in the City1

Kenzie’s blog is a refreshing trip into a Paleo kitchen, with delicious treats like Apple Cinnamon Paleo Donuts and sweet potato fries. She offers a clear, delightful perspective, useful tips, and additional commentary on fashion and exercise. Although a younger Paleo blogger, we’re expecting to see her blog rise quickly in popularity in the coming months.


Deliciously organized, this Paleo blogger’s recipes are ridiculously good. Separated into six categories of foods, and a few additional fun tabs with workouts, rants, and fashion tips, you’ll enjoy the honest perspective offered here.

Paleo Girl’s Kitchen3

The blogger behind this Paleo site is a grain-free, dairy-free fitness diva with a commitment to hospitality and great food. She’s overcome her own dietary hurdles and created masterpieces that generated a significant following. She’s also got a great cookbook out, if you’re in need of a few good recipes.

Civilized Caveman Cooking4

George Bryant, the brains behind Civilized Caveman Cooking, is an ex-Marine and New York Times Bestselling Author of The Paleo Kitchen. His own weight struggle led to the creation of this blog, and still fuels his journey.

Everyday Paleo5

Sarah Fragoso’s award-winning blog grew from recipes to a Paleo powerhouse of information. Although she spends some of her time on the road giving workshops, Sarah still spends quite a bit of time writing. On the site, you’ll find great tips for living a Paleo lifestyle, as well as links to her workshops and books.

Nom Nom Paleo6

Top Paleo and Primal Blogs of 2014

Called the “Martha Stewart of Paleo,” this blogger brings class and fun to Paleo living. Her New York Times Bestselling book and wildly popular app are just a few of the reasons you should check out her blog. While you’re there, try the recipe for Cracklin’ Chicken. You’ll love it.

The Spunky Coconut7

Great name, right? This blog has more going for it than the name, though. Kelly Brozyna’s recipes are gluten and dairy free, and the result of her children’s health problems. She’s developed a way with food that parents will be grateful for – and so will anyone with a sweet tooth. Brozyna has four published cookbooks, including one on chocolate that leaves us drooling.

Taylor Made it Paleo8

Honest, refreshing, twenty-something Taylor offers a fun and sarcastic look at life through a Paleo dieter’s eyes. Be warned in advance that the blog isn’t 100% Paleo by the book – but the food is good and Taylor’s writing is delightful.

Mark’s Daily Apple9

Mark is one of the most popular Paleo bloggers on the web. He’s also the guy behind the Primal Blueprint, and a former professional athlete. All in a day’s work, right? More about lifestyle than diet alone, Mark’s Daily Apple is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their body’s performance.

The Domestic Man10

We go to this blog for the pictures. If you don’t get hungry reading, you aren’t human. Seriously. Russ Crandall’s award-winning blog is perfect for anyone who loves good eats, can’t eat gluten, and lives a Paleo lifestyle. Crandall’s book, The Ancestral Table, is one of our favorites.

Real Food Liz11

Real Food Liz is the new home of the wildly-popular blog Cave Girl Eats. The work of a nutrition coach and certified nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP), you’ll find great info on what to eat and why. Liz has a few great books out, and is currently homesteading with the love of her life – personal touches add a depth and warmth to her writing that we find enchanting.

Rubies and Radishes12

Crossfit and Paleo blend together beautifully in Arsy Vartanian’s blog. With a firm belief in fresh foods direct from the source and firsthand experience of the consequences of a poor diet based on mainstream advice, Arsy dishes out wisdom and cooking on this Paleo blog.

Primal Toad13

Todd, the voice behind the tell-it-like-it-is, in your face, blog “Primal Toad” talks about much more than food. His commentaries on lifestyle, diet, and life in general are a delight for readers of all ages. We’d give him a PG-13 rating for language, and an A+ for style.


With nearly 30,000 readers, Evolvify is an englightening blend of evolutionary psychology and Paleo diet. If you’re in the mood for brain food and good nutrition, this is a great place to find some good reading material.

Paleo Parents15

The happy, healthy parents behind this delightful blog lost a total of more than 200 pounds since going Paleo, and watched their three boys benefit from the lifestyle as well. If you’re looking into Paleo as a family diet, this is where you should get started.

Life as a Plate16

This blog is really all about the food – and it tastes great. If you need a recipe for tonight’s dinner, take a look at Life as a Plate. Paleo-friendly, delicious, and simple recipes are the core of this blog’s content.

Cave Momma17

CM, the blogger behind Cave Momma, should be nicknamed Superwoman. Wife, mother of 7, nursing student, full time employee, and professional blogger, she’s a powerhouse on two feet. And she runs on Paleo fuel. Learn her secrets and improve your health by reading this candidly-written Paleo and fitness blog. Bonus: as a mom of 7, she has a special area with info on Paleo and kids. Make use of it with your own brood.

Hunt Gather Love18

Written by a food anthropologist who first wrote about Paleo dieting and switched her focus to a more open whole foods diet, Hunt Gather Love is perspective fresh from academia, with information for anyone interested in learning about the origins and health impact of the foods they eat. She’s not mainstream Paleo, but that may be a good thing…

The Clothes Make the Girl19

Melissa Joulwan is the woman behind Clothes Make the Girl. Her writing is captivatingly fresh and witty, as is her perspective. In her own words, she’s “on a mission to be a superfit, well-fed, dressed-to-kill, glossy-haired, rock-n-roll, tart-tongued detective.” It’s working. Find out how and why on her blog.

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